The Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect is the phenomenon of fluids, like air or water, to curve, as they travel accross or above Earth's surface. Here's the idea; Earth is constantly spnning around on its axis, from west to east (horizontally). But because Earth is a sphere, and wider in the middle, points in the equator are actually spinning around faster than points near the poles (North and South). So, imagine you were standing in Texas, and had a paper areoplane that could travel hundreds of miles. if you threw your areoplane directly northward, you might think itll land in Nebraska. It'll actually land in Delaware. Why? Well, because Texas and the aeroplane are spinning faster than Nebraska, that spinning momentum will be conserved in the aeroplane. So, therefore It'll land to the right, in Delaware. But, Texas and Nebraska and Delaware are in the northern hemisphere, If it happened in the Southern Hemisphere, It'll fly left. Thats why storms are constantly spinning when you watch a forecast on the Telivision.